Monday, December 26, 2011

'Twas the Day Before Christmas

Deputy Rebel Commander Wood has done it again--twice in as many weeks he has dominated the galaxy.  This time he was fortified with Italian salami and cheeses sent straight from New Jersey's finest deli. 

What looked like a rout, turned in time to a victory for the Rebels.  Darth LaBan had hidden the Emperor well, on Dagobah behind the asteroid field that was once Hoth.  Even better, there were acres of Storm Troops and Hutt mercenaries between Dagobah and the nearest Rebels. 

The Hutts had held their own, but never gotten into the bonus points.  With the Wild Space under their control, a well-provisioned fleet, and the occasional faction card straight, they were positioned to make their move against the weakened Imperial forces and the widespread Rebels. 

But that was not to be.  DRC Wood led a surprisingly effective attack through the dangerous asteroid field, taking the Emperor unawares.  :-/

Saturday, December 17, 2011

At last, the E-vile Empire Dominates the Galaxy

In a battle of epic proportions, once again this week the dynamic trio struggled for domination of the Star Wars Risk Galaxy.  Horak the Hutt, Sith Wood, and Deputy Rebel Assistant Squadron Commander LaBan led their forces into battle, fueled by CostCo pizza. 

In the first few turns of the game, the Rebels took the Storm Troopers to task and made significant advances across the board.  But the wily Hutts took advantage of the Empire's distraction with the uprising and gained control of the Ison Corridor. 

Still that wasn't enough for a Hutt breakout.  The Empire was able to unleash the Death Star and destroy Kessel, a resource planet with a significant Rebel garrison.  The Rebel counter-attacks were rebuffed and the Empire began to gain the upper hand. 

Still, the Hutts continued to gain ground aided by reinforcements from the Ison Corridor.  With their first faction card straight (7 legions), they were able to push all the way to 8 resource planets.  The Empire reacted appropriately and set the Hutts back, but in doing so they were unable to finish off the very weakened Rebels. 

The Rebels somehow managed to hold on turn after turn, playing clever faction cards at just the right moments.  But the eventually their far flung garrisons fell along with most of the systems in the Core Worlds.  In the end the Rebels were holding on with only a small force at Mimban. 

While the Empire turned its bloodshot eyes on the Rebels, the Hutts swept in with yet another large set of reinforcements and attempted to sweep their way to victory.  Insane luck and stubborn resistance at Gamorr, more insane luck at Tatooine kept the Hutts at bay.  With a last gasp the troops in the Mid Rim broke out through Coruscant but ran afoul of the stout resistance at Correlia. 

With the Hutt's last effort at ten resource planets blocked, the Empire quickly snuffed out the remaining Rebels at Duro for their first victory in over four weeks. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

Yet Another Hutt Victory

In a lengthy seesaw battle, galactic rulership hung in the balance of all three great powers last night.  The Rebels under Generalissimo Horak came out with all guns blazing and with characteristically good luck, took out many solitary Imperial outposts with hardly any casualties. 

The Hutts responded with very minor assaults sufficient only to gain their two faction cards.  The Empire counter-attacked and took out several isolate Hutts, but at some cost. 

By the second turn, the Rebels had taken the Ison Corridor, which they held on to for quite some time until Imperial faction cards created an unstoppable force.  Somewhere in there, a large concentration of Rebels on Byss were destroyed by the Death Star, guided by the E-vile Sith Wood.

The Empire scrabbled back from its low point, eventually reducing Rodia to asteroids as well.  With a rare chance to destroy three systems with the Death Star, the Empire continued to lambast the unfortunate Rebels.  Meanwhile the Hutts slowly gathered faction cards, a fleet, and strength. 

When Pizza da Hutt broke out, he quickly ran up eight resource planets.  Both Rebel and Storm Trooper attempted to put the green genii back in the bottle, but it was too late.  With a faction card straight, the Hutts took command of the galaxy. 

Maybe next week....