Friday, May 29, 2009

Mountaineering & Star Wars Risk

John Anchor, brother of hiking buddy Bill Anchor, along with Karl Kiser visited last Wednesday evening. After lots of take-out Greek and catching up, we settled in for a single game for Galactic Domination. Major Ursa quickly hobbled the Imperial legions, which led to an out-of-control Peetza da Hutt making rapid gains. With a Hutt victory in sight, Major Ursa made a last ditch attach on a poorly defended Star Base. Of course it held the Emperor. Victory, Rebels.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Two and a Half for the Price of One

Just now getting caught up with the last two week's summaries. Sheesh! I'm losing my touch.

April 23

Game 1. After several close fought turns, both Rebels and Hutts resigned when Darth Horak drew all three Fire the Death Star cards at one time. Certain destruction was impossible to avoid.

Game 2. Although the Empire was off to a strong start, ultimately we called it a draw after the Emperor was backed into a single lonely but incredibly well defended planet. I still think the Rebels would have pulled through in time if they went after the Hutts seriously.

April 30

Game 1. With the Rebels thoroughly thrashed, it seemed like only a matter of time until either Hutt or Empire gained galactic domination. As it turned out, the Rebels managed to eek out a victory with a daring forlorn hope attack that just barely managed to capture the Evil Emperor.

Game 2. In relatively short order the Hutts swept up their requisite 10 resource planets. The only benefit was an early end to the evening's activities.

May 1

This evening I received the following from Kent, aka Major Ursa. I have no idea what he's going on about. Probably too much Iced Cider from Hoth. Its possible that in his fevered state, he is suggesting a rules variant. Read on at your own risk...

Dos Vaqueros de Galactic Triumvirate

Lord Horak II, Exogenous Counselor to the Galaxy as a Hole,

Interred during the 2nd Parsec, Reign of Darth Horakus, Lord King God of
The Known Galaxy, answerable to Nowoman.

Almighty Cuss,

My arm still hurts . . . bring on the trombones, wah, wah, wah and still,
inexplicably, there was a plethora of six's. High and mighty is his throwing
arm, Son of a Pitcher, he shall cast his foes asunder and they shall
tremble under his thunder.

Apparently our secretorial Senasnore, Ursa Minor, demoted from Major, was
asleep at the proverbial stellar wheel and missed the converse concerning the
hunt for the Most Wanted #1 Fugitive of the Galaxy, Princess Leia of
Alderaan, lustful Wench of the Worlds.

Imminent discussions with His Holy Slime, Peetza the Hutt revealed an
alternative to our Thorsday galactic dominations and diversions.

By your leave, please consider the following.

The following shall be rules and rules so shall we follow under the
auspices of the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. So let it be known far and wide
across interstellar dust and so shall it be written in the stars:

1- Thy sly Rebels shall hide the virgin Princess forthwith under the guise
of six delectable Rebel Bases out of the reach of the smuggler Han Solo.

2-It shall be the mission of the Evil Empire to go forth, seek, pillage and
roust Princess Leia for the star troopers amusement.

3-This holy mission can be conducted and consummated two ways; Capture or
Death Star impingement. In simpler terms, capture Leia's
ass or turn her into an assteroid.

4-Said Rebellion can only prosper upon achieving total annihilation of
Empire forces in all quadrants and sectors. Hutts go forth as usual, for
who knows the mind of slime?

5- It has been suggested by Peetza and concurred by Ursa Major, dos
Vaqueros de Galactic Triumvirate, that the irksome Rebel and
nefarious Empire Armies be equal in number and that the number shall be

6- It has been further suggested by Peetza that both Rebel and Empire
Forces start their holy conquests with an equal number of Planets,
Resource Planets and Planetoids.

7- Upon reflection and illumination it would seem plausible that in order
for the Rebellion and Empire to share in equal fruits of planets
the insufferable Hutts would have to claim 8 at the start.

8- Further reflection would indicate that Lord Vader would begin in Balance.

9- After set up, the indubitable Empire would go first, followed gracefully
by the Hutts with rear actions by the vanquished Rebels.

10- Certain cards would have to be excised (an equal number in each deck)
or upon that card, you draw the next one or some such.

11- If agreed upon I shall commence to prepare six delectable Rebel Bases
with one fair Princess.

What sayeth thou Lourdes, we await thy proclamation with bated breath for
thou ist wise, noble and in all appearances fair (he doesn't look like an an
old codger or coot), besides, the Evil Eye of the Empire knows no

Humbly thy most Fervent Servant,

Vaquero Primero