Monday, July 14, 2014

Yet More Damn Lies and Statistics

Here's the final, all encompassing data set going back to December 2008.  We've played over 230 games and probably closer to 250 or even 300... the early games were only scored by faction, not by player.  They're not included here.  And we'd been playing for some months before I started the blog. 

Player Summary Percent Victories Faction Total Percent
Horak 32% 74 Rebels 20 27%

Hutts 42 57%

Empire 12 16%
LaBan 39% 89 Rebels 18 20%

Hutts 57 64%

Empire 14 16%
Wood 29% 65 Rebels 25 38%

Hutts 30 46%

Empire 10 15%


Victories Player

Rebels 28% 63 Horak 20 32%

LaBan 18 29%

Wood 25 40%
Hutts 57% 129 Horak 42 33%

LaBan 57 44%

Wood 30 23%
Empire 16% 36 Horak 12 33%

LaBan 14 39%

Wood 10 28%



Rebels Hutts Empire Count Percent
Horak Wood Laban 38 17%
LaBan Horak Wood 40 18%
Horak LaBan Wood 35 16%
Wood LaBan Horak 50 23%
Wood Horak Laban 33 15%
LaBan Wood Horak 23 11%

With all the attributable data points from the early years included, Horak edges past Wood, but LaBan holds the lead by 15 victories.  

The Empire still sucks compared to the other factions.  And we all play Storm Troopers equally lousy.  Kent is worse as the Hutts but better as the Rebels than either Ric or Karl.  Hmm? 

Interestingly, back in 2008-2009 we frequently played 2, sometimes 3, games in an evening.  I can only imagine that we were all eating at home first and then only having snacks or dessert over here. 

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