Thursday, July 3, 2014

It's Not Over Until the Fat Hutt Sings

Snatching Victory from the Jaws of Defeat

Rebel Leader Ric began the game with a resounding set of attacks, nearly conquering the Core World (leaving Hapes in Imperal hands) and the Ison Corridor (leaving only Bespin in Imperial control).  Horak the Hutt struggled to get 6 resource planets, but gained excellent faction cards.  Sith Lord Kent countered with concerted attacks, but the "Money is Power" card stopped his major offensive. 

As the game progressed, the Empire continued to expand with an enlarged fleet, well-hidden starbases, and excellent dice rolls.  While the Rebels suffered most of the damage, the Hutts were beaten back to 4 resource planets while losing 2 resource systems and their garrisons to the destruction wrought by the Death Star.  Not only that but those systems were Gamorra and Sluis Van, effectively isolating 3 starbases from the Rebels.  Only a thin Hutt garrison of 4 legions held on to Excarga.

By the end of the sixth turn, only a handful of Rebels remained, hidden in the Mid Rim.  A huge Imperial fleet with storm troopers to match were stationed in Falleen, poised to bring down the final blow on dastardly Rebels. 

As it were, the Hutts got one last chance:  a faction card straight.  The minimal garrison at Ord Mantell took Yavin 4, but was prevented from taking Gamorr,  Attacking from Nar Shaddar, a small force took both Ylessia and Kessel.  Resource planets, 6.  A large, reinforced Hutt battle group on Wayland captured Duro and a small subunit made it to Sullust from Corellia.  Resource planets, 8.  Another small portion attacked Kurt with the objective of finishing off Gamorr, but they failed to advance far enough to be a threat.  The large fleet on Hoth easily swept into Bespin.  Resource planets, 9.  In desperation, the force on Excarga assaulted the 3 storm trooper legions garrisoning the starbase on Elom.  In a close fought battle, it came down to one 6-sided attack roll against one 8-sided defense roll.  A lucky 6 against an unlucky 4 gave the game (and a death mark for the rest of the year) to the Hutts. 

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