Thursday, July 24, 2014


Yes, it all started with my roll of a 3, then Ric's roll of a 2, and Kent's 1.  So I chose Hutts and Ric signed up for the Rebels.  Kent was stuck with the Empire. 

Then it continued... I rolled a 3, Ric got a 2, and Kent finished with, yes, a 1.  So Hutts went first, Rebels second, and Storm Troopers last.  With that, the Hutts had 5 resource planets to start with, Bespin, Sullust, Sluis Van, Gamorr, and Nar Shadarr.

The Rebels did very well straight out of the gates on Turn 1 -- captured most of the Core Worlds and knocked the Empire back to 4 reinforcements.  The Hutts quietly took one system from each opponent, just for the 2 cards.  The Storm Troopers managed to gain back what was lost, but they rolled something on the order of 12 one's in two turns. 

The game swung back and forth for two more turns with the Rebels gaining more ground, but not taking any starbases out.  Kent's luck continued to run cold.  The Imperial legions were stopped at Endor by a Hutt faction card that destroyed their bomber.  The Hutts slowly gained cards and a bomber of their own that ended up on Falleen.  They were frustrated at Kessel when the Orders Never Came. 

In Turn 4 the Rebels launched a powerful offensive that took out the starbase on Balmorra and pushed the Empire into a dangerous situation.  But the Hutts cashed in a faction card straight and used another to deplete the garrison on Rodia.  That allowed them to capture Rodia with 3 legions, run from Toydaria through Kessel to Ord Mandell with an adequate force abetted by a new capital ship, and still have plenty of legions to strike out for Duro.  Not only did they capture that system, but enough was left to comfortably take Tattooine for a Hutt victory. 

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