Friday, August 31, 2012

Three Thirds of a Trifecta

In an effort to make it a short night, Ric and I gave Kent an easy shot at his second trifecta...


Despite blazing lasers and ion canons, huge fleets of ships, and overwhelming numbers of Storm Trooper reinforcements from the Ison Corridor, somehow the wiley Kent the Hutt managed to sneak a couple faction cards, roll a few lucky rolls, and punch through to victory.

It wasn't without its humorous moments as a Hutt roll of 2-1-1, a certain loss, was met by a Rebel 1, an even more certain loss.  Faction cards came and went, including a straight when the Rebels stole my capital ship and fighter cards. 

That said, I should have known there would be trouble when the Rebels tried to take the Wild Space despite the Death Star on Excarga.  The bloody and inconclusive battle only served to weaken us both. 

Struggles over control of the Wild Space, the Ison Corridor, and the El'Rood Sector were key to the game.  Attacks from Mon Calamari to Bffasch were key to undermining the Death Star's blockade at Excarga and the Star Base at Sullust.  All in all, it was over too quickly (4 turns), before the Rebels could discover the Emperor hiding out at Da Soocha V since the second turn. 

Victory Hutts.

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