Sunday, March 18, 2012

Pre-St. Patrick's Day Debacle

We had a two-for-Thursday double-header last week.  Horak the Hutt, Deputy Rebel Leader Kent, and Darth Laban took the field and quickly lost both games to the Rebels.  Fortunately, the sting of defeat was softened by corned beef, cabbage, and a couple black & tans.

Game #1. Off to a strong start, the Hutts took light casualties and were holding their own, even if they weren't making dramatic gains.  With two bombers, their attacks were effective and keeping both Rebels and Storm Troopers in check.

Alas, a lucky attack by rebel forces unmasked the E-vile Emperor at his secret base and gave the Rebels their first victory.  A quick reset and minutes later we were ready to go with...

Game #2. The Hutts were able to capture the Wild Space.  The Rebels countered with capturing the Ison Corridor.  Imperial forces were unable to deny the I.C. to the Rebels, so Hutts successfully retook Hoth.

Incensed by the uppity Hutts, the Rebels through everything they had at the slimy green guys and kept them from gaining any significant ground.  Even so, their forces were thinly spread. 

A Hutt attack on Kessel forced the Emperor to relocate to Sullust.  Inexplicably, the Death Star was left on Sluis Van, perhaps to ward off a suspected Hutt assault.  But that left the Emperor's star base lightly defended.

The dastardly Rebels took advantage of the opportunity to attack a star base, only hoping to move the force meter one to the right.  In the end, that victory was the ultimate victory they hoped for.

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