Thursday, February 16, 2012

60 Seconds over Ord Mantell

It was a long and eventful battle for galactic domination as our intrepid heroes lined up their forces:  Deputy Wing Commander Wood, Peetza da Hutt, and Darth Horak.  It was also hilariously entertaining.  Somewhere along the way Ric rolled two ones and Kent, assured an easy victory, managed to roll a zero (yes, 0).  Another time there were three sixes rolled for attack dice, again a sure thing.  The response--another six.  #fail

With statistical flukes like that popping up all evening, it's no wonder that the outcome swung from Hutt to Rebel to Empire and then back to Hutt.  The e-vile Emperor managed to use the Death Star to turn two systems into dust.  And the Emperor himself did come onto the playing board until the sixth turn.

In the end it looked like the Storm Troopers were finally get to turn away from constant Hutt bashing and grind the Rebels out of existence.  But no, the wily Rebels discovered the Emperor's star base and launched a desperate attack that, in the way of all forlorn hopes, eked out a win. 

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