Friday, November 11, 2011

Rebel Dawgs Strike Again

After a week's rest, our intrepid warriors once again clashed for galactic domination.  In a variation of the battle two week's ago, Ric played Hutts and Kent took the Empire.  And like the last game, setup was "unconventional."  There were no Rebels in the Mid Rim, the Rebels gave a 5th resource planet to the Hutts in exchange for 3 out of 4 systems in the Ison Corridor, the Empire held 5 of 6 systems in the Elrood Sector, and there were no Hutts to the "left" of Elom or Alderaan.  The Death Star blocked Gamorr, isolating the Hutts and Rebels in the Wild Space.

The Rebels got off to an average start, knocking off lots of lonely Imperial outposts with overwhelming force.  The Hutts slowly gathered their skirts and began to chew away on a resource planet here or there.  The Empire came charging into the fray with their first star base at Sluis Van and capturing the entire Elrood Sector. 

The Rebels responded by attacking out of Bespin across the Ison Corridor and into the Elrood Sector.  The Hutts continued their gradual offensive.  The Empire counter-attacked, blasting all the way past Bespin.  The Rebels responded with a large assault from Mon Calamari into Bfffasch in the Elrood Sector.  The Hutts took advantage of a weakened Mid Rim and advanced to Ord Mantell.  The Empire experienced problems with its Death Star and was only able to destroy Rodia instead of Elom.

The Rebels next attacked the weak garrisons of the Elrood Sector, leaving the heavily garrisoned star base at Sluis Van for later.  The Hutts fought their way to Tattoine, captured Duro, and gained 7 resource planets.  The storm troopers responded by reinforcing Sluis Van and bringing the Death Star over. 

Unfortunately, the Rebels' faction cards caused almost the entire garrison of Sluis Van to desert.  The "One in a Million" card allowed them to then destroy the Death Star.  When the decimated garrison was defeated, the Emperor was discovered... game ova. 

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