Saturday, November 19, 2011

Rebel Dawgs Put Fear in Emperor's Eyes

With the chance of a third straight Rebel victory looming over last week's game, Ric the Hutt and Sith Kent went immediately on the attack.  Only one slight problem, the Rebels go first in each turn.  So it was that the good guys were able to capture the Ison Corridor and knock off a Hutt or two, gaining two faction cards. 

The Hutts came back with a limited attack just to gain cards, but the Storm Troopers attacked into the Corridor and moved the Death Star up to completely block egress. 

Unfortunately, those first two faction cards were exactly the two cards that allowed the Rebels, dawgs that they were, to destroy the Death Star.  From there it was all downhill for the Empire. 

Eventually, the Hutts managed a couple faction card straights and blew away the weak Imperial garrisons on the resource planets in the Mid and Outer Rim.  Victory Hutts. 

A second game was begun with Ric and Karl switching roles.  It went fairly evenly for six turns, but with the lateness of the hour and the Force Meter pegged fully in the Rebel's favor, a truce was declared.  Drawn game. 

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