Friday, June 17, 2011

Two More Hutt Victories

It was a good evening to be a Hutt with back-to-back long-shot victories. 

Game #1.  Deputy Rebel Leader Laban came out with guns blazing and quickly sank two heavily garrisoned Hutt outposts.  Six legions of Gamorra's finest whiffed in a few short moments.  With the Hutts largely out of action, the Rebels and Storm Troopers lit into one another fiercely. 

In the meantime, a pitiful Hutt force managed to scrape together enough troops to clear the tiny garrisons of the El Rood Sector and collect a couple capital ships.  Again, the Rebellion and the Empire ignored the upstart---only four resource planets and pathetic placement of troops. The Empire beat the Rebels mercilessly until there were only five legions left on five systems.  Victory was a single turn away.

But with the sector bonus, a fleet of capital ships, and a faction card bonus, the Hutts swept into Duro, captured the Wild Space, cleaned up Mid Rim resource planets, and captured Ord Mandel.  All that was left was an assortment of singleton Imperial garrisons reinforced by star bases and a solitary Rebel outpost on Tatooine.  After a series of invasions, the Hutt force was whittled down to two legions.  The Rebels at Tatooine gamely stood off one assault, but the final battle, one on one, went to the Hutts.  Game ova.

Game #2.  Same sides, different set up.  This time the Hutts came out looking better after the first turn.  However, the dice were against Sith Wood, even though his troops in the Wild Space were heavily entrenched.  The Rebels were on their way to a victory, though, with repeated attacks into the Ison Corridor that denied the Empire any rest. 

Once again the Hutts took advantage of the struggle that left Bespin lightly garrisoned and with faction card bonuses sent a large force out of the Mid Rim, across the Core Worlds, and into the El Rood Sector for a second victory.

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