March 19: We knew we were in trouble when the initial rolls to choose sides came up with 4 eights in a row followed by 2 sevens. In the end, Ric was the Rebel Leader, Darth Horak led the Empire, and Kent the Hutt led the green team.Mssr. La Ban broke up the string of Hutt victories by taking home the trophy.
More Hutt Victories
March 26: In an effort to gain a coveted trifecta, Ric picked the Hutt faction, leaving me the Empire, and Kent the Rebels. Kent's initial attacks claimed the Ison Corridor and grievously injured the Stormtroopers. The Hutts made their usual slight gains for cards, but captured no further resource planets. The Empire struck back with a full assault into the Wild Space, but stubborn Hutt defenses surprised everyone and denied the Empire control of a sector to balance the Rebel one. Continued counter-attacks against the Rebels in the Mid and Outer Rim evened the score with them but left everyone bloodied.The Rebels took their handful of reinforcements plus their sector bonus and began their next offensive. By good luck they were able to take out the Death Star where it guarded egress into the Wild Space. That was followed by a march on Elom and the neutralization of its starbase. The Hutts quickly capitalized on the Rebel-Empire mutual weaknesses for a record-tying 2nd turn victory.
Since game #1 finished so early, we immediately started #2. Ric moved to head up the Imperial forces and a chance at a trifecta. I switched to the Hutts and Kent remained Rebel leader.
Although the initial setup was very different, the result was yet another Hutt victory. By turn 3 a faction card straight led to a 9-system lead. More faction card bonuses and a capital ship/bomber fleet led to final victory the next turn.
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