Thursday, February 5, 2015

Twice the Fun -- Twice the Embarrassment

General Kent not only reclaimed the Funky Chicken Trophy from Ric, but he humiliated us twice.  That brings his win percentage up to 30%, which is still well short of Ric's 38% lifetime average.

Game #1. 

Tying a previous record, the Rebels were able to attack through thinly-held Imperial lines and overrun the first starbase on the board at the beginning of their second turn.  Despite a garrison of three legions of Storm Troopers, the Rebels were able to succeed and capture Emperor LaBan.  Bummer!

Game #2.  

Resetting quickly, we dove into a second game, which turned out to be a much more involved affair.  Horak the Hutt was able to drive the Rebels out of the Ison Corridor and maintained control of that sector for the remainder of the game.  Faction card straights came thick and fast, first Hutt, then Empire, then Rebel.

General Kent and Sith Lord Ric battled it out, but the Empire was able to push the Force Meter far to the dark side.  As turns went by, the Hutts could only manage shallow gains, rarely getting into the bonus cards. The Rebels were gradually worn down and it looked like a sure thing for the Empire.  The Empire conquered the Wild Space and things were looking poorly for the Rebels.

But then the dastardly Rebels reinforced their last stronghold at Ylesia with the troops from a faction card straight and struck out for Elom.  Nar Shaddar fell, then Gamorr, next Excarga, and finally Elom itself.  True enough, the Sith Lord Ric was there.

Game Rebels.

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