Thursday, October 9, 2014

Trifecta Averted Yet Again

In a most unusual initial setup, last night's battle for galactic domination featured Sith Lord Ric, Rebel Commander Kent, and Karl the Hutt. 

Initial setup before any attacks
The Hutts, fearing a secret agreement between the Rebels and the Empire to deny the Hutts any chance of a trifecta, hunkered down on 3 resource planets:  Ord Mandell, Balmorra, and Tattooine.  With only 3 systems to heavily defend, their garrisons were comprised of 6 legions each. 

The first Rebel assaults in the Outer Rim did a fair amount of damage, but left them with only small garrisons.  The Empire struck back with a minimal number of assaults, just for cards.  The Hutts then consolidated the Outer Rim, collected two cards, and sat tight while small outlying garrisons got picked off by the others. 

By the end of turn 2, the Rebels had captured the Ison Corridor, the Hutts controlled the Outer Rim, and the Empire held the Mid Rim. 

As luck would have it, the Rebels assaulted the starbase on the Wookie home world.  A poor roll on a defensive faction card left the system vulnerable.  As it turned out, it was the Emperor's starbase.  Victory Rebelion. 

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