Thursday, March 20, 2014

Kent the Hutt and General Horak Lose against Darth Ric... Again

Once again, Ric played us like violins.  Even with a devastating initial assault by the Rebels, the Sith Lord kept slapping down starbases.  Meanwhile, the Hutts burned up valuable defensive faction cards against Rebel assaults, using Money is Power (the orders never come) to thwart an attack that would have led to massive Imperial causalties and another (can't attack this system until you take another planet from another player) to prevent the capture of the Ison Corridor. 

In the third turn, the Empire directed his Death Star to destroy a huge Hutt garrison on Nar Shaddar, an important resource planet.  The Hutts never really recovered from this blow.  On the other hand, the Storm Troopers were able to successfully invade the El'Rood Sector and take out the Rebel capital ship, courtesy of an early faction card straight. 

After significant setbacks due to Hutt intransigence, the Imperial forces recovered sufficiently to chase down the last garrisons.  Only late in the game did bomber cards appear, too late for either the fleet or a faction card straight. 

Victory Empire.

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