Despite my best efforts to deal a quick killing blow to the Empire, the odds weren't always in my favor. Here's the initial setup with an enormous concentration of Rebels on Coruscant.
This set up the opening sweep through Falleen and then the remaining Mid
Rim systems garrisoned only with single legions each. Casualties were
so light that the force was able to capture Gamorr from the Hutts, an
unexpected bonus. Buoyed by that success, the Rebels continued into the
Wild Space and finished off the singleton Storm Troops there.
Unfortunately, this allowed the Hutts to counterattack and capture the
Wild Space sector, something that would not be neutralized until the end
of the game. The wiley Sith was not to be counted out and on Turn 3,
the Death Star struck, destroying Duro and 5 legions of the Rebellion's
best troops. The Rebels never recovered; from that turn onwards, it was
a battle between Hutt and Emperor.
The next pivotal moment of the game was when Kent the Hutt cashed in a
faction card straight (7 legions) and a reinforcements card (5
legions). He led his overwhelming forces across the Mid Rim and held 9
systems after he crushed the weakened Rebels at Ord Mandell and Yavin
4. Only 3 Rebel squadrons on Balmorra stood in the path of a Hutt
victory. But the thin yellow line held against all the odds, costing
the Hutts terribly and denying them the win. Sith Lord Ric countered
with his own faction card straight and cleared out the last pockets of
Rebel resistence. Victory, Empire.
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