Saturday, July 20, 2013

Second Consecutive Hutt Victory

Once again the Hutts show their prowess, this time with Kent the Hutt leading them to victory.  We knew immediately that it was going to be a probabilistically strange night on the first roll.  That's when we each roll a die to see who gets to chose which side they will play.  High roll gets first pick, next highest gets second pick, loser gets whatever is left over. 

We rolled 1 - 1 - 1.  Three losers. 

In the end it was Kent the Hutt, Darth Horak, and Rebel Leader LaBan.  And it was the Rebels who just cleaned our clocks with 6 after 6 after 6.  Sheesh!  How many sixes in a row can you roll? 

The Empire took advantage of an early weakness and conquered the El'rood Sector, but one opponent or another always, just barely, managed to deny full control by the next turn.  No one ever received an El'rood Sector bonus, despite it's eventual swinging over almost completely to the mad sixes of the Rebels. 

On about the 3rd turn, the Empire was able to destroy a well-fortified resource planet, Ord Mantell.  Between that and the Death Star on Kessel, the Hutts should have been hard pressed to find 10 resource planets.

But that was not to be.  Rebel Leader Ric finally decided to extinguish the small, single Imperial garrisons in the Mid Rim and then go after the El'rood Sector in earnest.  With only 3 reinforcements per turn, the Emperor was on the defensive despite having faction cards that continually undid any Rebel efforts to move the Force Meter. 

In the mean time the Hutts gathered their considerable strength in the few systems they controlled.  By cleverly snapping up a Storm Trooper here and a Rebel garrison there, they amassed three faction card straights.  In the fifth turn, Kent the Hutt took a large force from the Core Worlds and captured 10 of the 11 "easy" resource planets. 

Victory Hutts.

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