Friday, September 14, 2012

The Empire Strikes Back

In a desperate attempt at redemption by the Vermont crew, a rare Toozday evening Galactic Death Match was scheduled this week.  And like last Thursday, it was a rare 5-way event with the nephews reprising their role as Sith and Emperor while Ric and I took up the Rebel cause.  Kent performed an encore of his starring role as Wood the Hutt. 

This time around, the Rebels held the line on giving uncontested resource planets to the Hutts.  Turns out, this was a strategic error, letting the Empire get ahead on claiming the small sectors.  The initial setup had a huge buildup of White Empire vs Yellow Rebel in the Wild Space. 

The first turn went badly for the Orange Rebels and the Grey Storm Troopers were able to claim the El'Rood Sector.  When they also attacked in the Ison Corridor, the Yellow forces switched planets to forestall the attack, but instead succumbed quickly. 

The Empire soon had established an almost impenetrable blockade around the Ison Corridor, held the Wild Space behind the well-defended Hutts, and fought a see-saw battle for the El'Rood Sector. 

Eventually, faction cards and sector bonuses tipped too far in their favor and they heavily defeated the Rebels in a run by the Grey Stormtroopers.  The Hutts were unable to take advantage of the weaknesses on the available resource planets and the Empire crushed the Rebels in the end.

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