Thursday, September 8, 2011

SWR for the Masses

With the nephews in town, we had two 5-person games.  Whew!

Game #1. The e-vile Empire (Kent and Ric) got off to a strong start, nabbing the Wild Space and holding it throughout the game.  Despite the Hutts giving opportunities for counter-attacks into that sector, the Rebels (Peter and David) were never able to remove the threat.  Eventually four star bases completely occupied the Wild Space.

The Hutts (Karl) were never much of a danger to the Empire, but they slowly crawled up to five resource planets.  When the Empire started to make significant gains on the Rebels, they took their eye off the ball for just a single turn.  The Hutts cashed in a faction card straight and took their 10 legions plus a powerful fleet in a desperate gamble.  In the end they swept up five resource planets, ending with a run to Bespin and a surprise win.  Hoo-hah!

Game #2. The Grey Empire whomped on the Yellow Rebels relentlessly and they Yellow Hoards never recovered.  Gradually the White Empire overtook the Ison Corridor, then the Core Worlds, and finally the Wild Space. 

Eventually Sith Wood's grey troops were reduced to a single system.  His sacrifices also left Yellow Rebel Leader Horak (Karl) with only a single system.  The Hutts made valiant but ultimately useless assaults, reaching nine resource planets.  Darth Ric ignored the Hutts and took his white storm troopers on a brazen attack that put Orange Rebel Leader Horak (Peter) out of the game -- after some exciting dice rolls in the Mid Rim.  Sith Wood was then able to finish off last yellow rebel.  Game Empire.

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