Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Double Hutt Hitter

For once Kent went home happy -- he beat the bejezus out of us two games straight.

Game #1.  Things were off to a balanced start, but in turn 2, Rebel Leader LaBan played the "look under any Imperial base" faction card.  Lo!  The first (and only) token on the board concealed the Emperor.  Thereafter, the Imperial forces were forced to clear the Mid Rim of rebels and fortify approaches through the Outer Rim, now that the Emperor had been located.

While successful, this let the Hutts grow dangerously strong.  They were able to dislodge the Emperor and gain too many resource planets for their own good.  Meanwhile, the Empire had to spend its troops defending the vulnerable Emperor instead of beating back Hutt incursions. 

Several turns later, the "move any two Imperial bases" faction card allowed the Storm Troopers to once again confuse the Rebels as to the Imperial location.  But a Hutt faction card straight gave Kent the edge and he fought his way to a dramatic finish on Tatooine. 

Game #2.  With the taste of defeat fresh in their mouths, Empire and Rebelion worked to contain the Hutts in the second of the evening's battles.  By then the Caol Ila was flowing and I can't recall six days later how he managed to slip another victory over on us.  Perhaps it was just a counting error and Kent the Hutt only held eight resource planets.  We may never know. 

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