Sunday, March 27, 2011

Two More Hutt Victories

Today I get to recycle one of my titles--once again the Hutts have taken a double-header.  With the wily Sith Wood commanding the Imperial forces and Deputy Rebel Leader LaBan leading, well, the Rebels, Horak the Hutt was able to take two back-to-back victories.

Game #1.   Rebel vs. stormtrooper then stormtrooper vs. rebel, the battle swung back and forth until the Hutts built up a respectable fleet and went on the offensive.  Even with a sector under control, it seemed like the Rebels were just barely holding up to the Imperial onslaught.  The loss of a Rebel base at Pavia also set back the Hutts because it was a potential resource planet to be gained.  But with both Rebels and Imperial forces eventually weakening to small garrisons, the Hutts were able to seize the initiative and win the day.

Game #2.  One of those games where the right cards came up at the right time.  An early gap in the Rebel forces holding resource planets in the Mid Rim let the Hutts climb up to seven systems.  A faction card straight plus the usual suspects created a force capable of snapping up two more and then winning through to the final planet, a fortified starbase at Kessel.  Even then it was not a sure thing, with the garrison there dealing out death to the very end. 

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