Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Rebels and Hutts Split a Double-Header

This week's pizza and Risk event featured one quick blowout and had time left over for a second match. 

Game #1.  Kent took up the reins of the e-vile Empire, Ric nabbed the role of Hutts, leaving the Rebel faction for yours truly.  With some good rolls of the dice, some great faction cards, and a well connected troop disposition, the Rebels were able to make good progress early on.  A 3-card straight boosted reinforcements for an assault on star bases in the Mid Rim.  Surprisingly, the Emperor was found under the first star base that had been deployed, which happened to be the first one captured.  Game ova in near record time.

Game #2.  After a quick reset, a second game commenced.  The Rebels were quickly knocked back and were really not much of a threat.  However, positions between the Hutts and storm troopers swept back and forth. It looked like the Hutts were going to take it all, but a staunch defense by a single Rebel garrison with a bomber group at Sullust took out 10 of the slimy green guys.  Even so, at one point the Hutts had nine resource planets.

The Empire did indeed strike back and reduced the Rebels to two systems and pushed the Hutts back to six resource planets.  Unfortunately, the Rebels played the diabolical "A Critical Error" faction card, which took two powerful cards from the Imperial hand and crippled them.  In the end, the Hutts came back and captured the necessary resource base of ten systems, ending the Empire's bid for galactic domination. 

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