Sunday, March 8, 2009

Under New Management

Even under new management, the Empire can't break through to shodan. Ric took up the awesome reins of Imperial Power this Thursday... and like his unfortunate predecessor, lost three straight attempts at galactic domination.

Game 1. The pendulum swung wildly to all three corners of the galaxy, first when the Empire badly bruised the Rebels in the very first battle. This combined with the unlikely control of the Wild Space gave the Empire an excellent start. But the Hutts, now under the command of Horak the Hutt, kept chugging away, collecting faction cards and converting them to large numbers of troops. Thwarted by the Death Star on Gamorr, they took the round-about path through the Core Worlds to reach the El'Rood Sector's wealth.

The Rebels recovered enough to damage the Empire badly, but the Death Star finally took out Ord Mandrell. That only weakened both enough for a final assault on the coveted resource planets, which resulted in a Hutt victory.

Game 2. With the Death Star safely out of the Hutt's way on Bakura, guarding against a Rebel take-over, it looked like easy sailing for Horak the Hutt. And it was. Victory on turn 2.

Game 3. Back with a strong Imperial presence in the Mid Rim and the Death Star on Gamorr, the struggle was long and fierce. In the end the Rebels were able to corner the Emperor and take out his guardian Star Base even though the Hutts were poised to acheive victory. Score one for the Rebels.

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