Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hutt Bashing, Intergalactic Style

Last week's Starwars Risk tourney held two games, yet still ended reasonably early. Game 1 had the Hutts horribly bottled up, nearly locked out of the Mid Rim. The Rebels quickly learned the Emperor's location, but having spent the faction card that would take out the Death Star which would soon come to protect him, an all out assault was needed. With star base bonuses, capital ships, bombers, and an Imperial faction card bonus, it was a close run thing. Literally the last possible attack won through for a Rebel victory.

In Game 2, the Empire avoided the Mid Rim and ultimately the Hutts gained their requisite 10 resource planets. It appears that a valid strategy for the Empire is to occupy as much of the Mid Rim as possible and hide the Emperor behind not only Storm Troopers, but angry Hutts as well.

Next week nephew Peter will be in town for the Junior Olympics (fencing with Epee), so we'll have at least a four-handed game. Stay tuna'd....

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