Friday, January 2, 2009

Rebels Break Hutt Winning Streak

Its the New Year and as per usual for a Thursday evening, the Star Wars Risk trio rang out the old and rang in the new with a couple rounds of SWR. In battle #1 for galactic domination the Hutts made quick work of things after the Rebels carelessly over-extended themselves in an assault on both Hutts and the Empire.

In battle #2 the Hutts were quickly and ruthlessly hammered down by both opponents. Importantly, both Rebels and Storm Troopers played the "Shipyard Attack" cards, removing four key Hutt cards. With the Hutt threat safely tamped down, the Rebels kept up the pressure on the Empire, but lacked the ability to take out starbases until late in the game. The Death Star had a rare (possibly the first) opportunity to destroy two systems: Sullust and Kurt.

Even then, after trading control of various sectors, things looked grim for the Rebels. Since the starbase on Ylesia was heavily fortified with the Death Star and a number of crack Imperial troops, it obviously protected the Emperor. The Rebel leader attacked other starbases just to cause attrition. Imagine their surprise when they took Rodia, not bothering to even flip the token over, only to find the Emperor hiding in a laundry chute. It was an accidental Rebel victory.

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