Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Game Marches On

March 3rd

General Wood, Peetza da Hutt, and Darth Horak joined in the never-ending struggle for galactic supremacy once again.  The Empire rather rapidly captured the Wild Space and, soon after, a the El'Rood Sector.  While the Rebel's were able to eventually neutralize the El'Rood Sector, the Wild Space reinforcements kept the Rebels on the defensive.  Ric's Gamorran mercenaries were never able to make serious inroads. As exhaustion overtook all forces on turn 7, the Death Star made a display of power by destroying the mostly harmless Coruscant.  An armistice was signed on Stardate  

March 10th

General LaBan, Empiror Wood, and Horak the Hutt continued the weekly battle for mastery of the known universe.  The Rebels and Stormtroopers both started cautiously, playing mainly for cards.  The Hutts began with 5 resource planets and eventually mustered 6 after taking Duro on the 3rd attempt.  (I blame that on too many beer-soaked brats consumed before the battle.)

Eventually, the Sith overran the El'Rood Sector and, combined with an early faction card straight, they went on to gain the Wild Space.  Starbases defended most egress to their territories except where the the Death Star protected Excarga.  The Rebels held on, developed their fleet, and amassed a considerable force.  Their garrison at Hoth held fast.  The Death Star stuck with swift finality and destroyed Kessel.  

The Stormtroopers, safe behind their Starbases, were surprised by the successful invasion of El'Rood when the Rebels took Dagobah and then Bffassh.  Then, to everyone's amazement, the Hutts struck out from Duro with a large force (read:  faction card straight) and two capital ships.  Faction card bonuses allowed them to overrun the Imperial garrison on Sullust (4 legions), but the attack stalled with heavy casualties taken on Sluis Van (1 defending legion).  The Hutts persevered and took Omwat, denying the Empire any sector bonuses.  

The Imperial forces responded by again using the Death Star, destroying Balmorra.  In the next turn they destroyed Bespin.  Despite these heavy losses, the Hutt High Command still provided "yuuuge" banana splits to power the conflict into its final stages.

The Hutt capital ships and their elite fighters were still intact on Omwat.  But before they could neutralize Elom and march into the Mid Rim, General LaBan assembled a strike force outside Bothawui.  Reinforced by a capital ship, a bomber, and two fighter squadrons, the battle group captured Gamorr and then pushed into Excarga.  When the system's Starbase fell and the Emperor was discovered in his cowardly lair, it was game ova.  Victory (and the trophy) to General Ric.